
Established in 1963 as part of the Northeastern Region in the National Model Railroad Association, the Garden State Division (GSD) is comprised of Bergen, Essex, Hudson,  Hunterdon, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren counties of New Jersey and Richmond county of New York.

The purpose of the Garden State Division is to educate, stimulate, encourage, and foster the study, art, and craft of railroads and model railroading and to promote and support the programs and activities of the Northeastern Region and the National Model Railroad Association. The Garden State Division is organized as a 501(c)(3) for educational purposes.

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N&W HC-46 ACF 2-Bay Covered Hopper

Announcing a new, Limited-Edition, HO scale freight car that Cincinnati Division 7 is now offering for sale/purchase.
It is a N&W HC-46 ACF 2-Bay Covered Hopper in a unique repaint scheme with patched-out data.
Click the button below for details about it as well as pricing, shipping and ordering information.

Click for more info

Estate Planning for Model Railroaders and Collectors
By Robert McQueen

As model railroaders, we spend years building layouts and collecting models and equipment. Alternatively, you may spend years putting together a collection of model trains. Either way, you end up with an accumulation of stuff and you can't take it with you when you leave this world. No matter what your survivors think of your hobby or the items that you acquired, they will be left to deal with it all. In this clinic, Robert will discuss assessing and planning to determine the disposition of your collection. He will share his observations and experience in going through this process for himself.

See the clinic